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Healthy Habits

Mar 19, 2010

Celebrate Agriculture Day with the kids and promote healthy food choices

Tomorrow is National Agricultural Day.If you are looking for some ideas for a fun Saturday outing with the kids, think about incorporating this special day.  Many kids don't really realize where fresh fruits and vegetables come from,  a common answer, ...
Mar 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day - Include some healthy greens tonight for dinner

Happy St Patricks Day.  And I ask you do you have your "Greens" on?     St Patrick's is all about the green!  So take advantage and introduce some healthy greens tonight at dinner time.  You can use St Patrick's Day as a way to entice the kids to adven...
Mar 15, 2010

Michelle Obama leads the nation in the fight against childhood obesity.

Michelle Obama is taking a front seat in the fight against childhood obesity.  She reminds us that today, one-third of all American children are overweight or obese. The rate is even higher among African Americans, and one-half of all minority childr...
Mar 10, 2010

Are kids snacking habits turning them into constant eaters?

Our kids may be having too many snacks and they are not the healthy kind.  This new study just released by University of Carolina, may be fuel for the big debate "should we tax sugary drinks and junk food".A recent study shows the following concerning ...
Mar 03, 2010

Find a local Farm to School program to help kids learn about nutrition.

Michelle Obama has really helped promote a new trend and a very healthy one,  fresh farm foods.I know many schools are trying to incorporate fresh grown fruits and vegetables into their cafeteria program and their nutrition education programs.  I ran a...
Mar 01, 2010

Parents don't realize when their child is overweight - new study says

Can you tell if your child is overweight?According to a new study, you may be underestimating your child's weight. A large proportion of the parents of overweight children—and especially mothers, who are surveyed more often—do not perceive their childr...
Mar 01, 2010

Healthy Monday Tip - Getting the kids to snack smarter

Start your week by doing the Monday 2000! Stay within the recommended 2000 calorie limit by snacking on 
fruits, vegetables and low-fat cheese.  Help your kids learn from you how to snack smarter! Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. E...
Feb 17, 2010

Let's Move - new organization devoted to helping kids get healthier

Michelle Obama speaks out on the new initiative "Let's Move"Let’s Move will give parents the support they need, provide healthier food in schools, help our kids to be more physically active, and make healthy, affordable food available in every part of ...
Feb 15, 2010

Healthy Monday - Take a look at your resolutions

Most holiday pledges are broken in the first few weeks of the New Year. Teach your children how to focus on healthy goals each and every Monday to maintain the momentum you need to make real change!Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. E...
Feb 05, 2010

H is for Healthy Diet Kids Book teaches kids about the fun of eating healthy food!

I just read a very colorful  little book called, "H is for Healthy Diet" by Keith Turner.This mini book is packed with good information and tips about healthy eating and why it is important.  It is great book for older kids to read for themselves.  I t...
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