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Healthy Habits

Feb 01, 2010

Healthy Monday - Teach your children to reduce their salt intake

On this week’s shopping trip, look for low-sodium or “no-salt added” soups, vegetables and beans. Have the kids help read food labels.  Skipping sodium can reduce your family's risk for high blood pressure!Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health...
Jan 29, 2010

A new study indicates showing parents the menu calories can fight childhood obesity.

A new study published in Pediatrics was conducted using McDonald's menus.  The research showed that when parents were provided with calorie information, they chose foods that were about 100 calories less per meal.   The study surveyed 99 parents of 3-6...
Jan 27, 2010

Slow it down, smaller food portions and electronic plates for overweight kids

Do we need an electronic plate to help kids learn to eat healthy food portions?  According to a new study published in the British Medical Journal, a new computerized "plate" is more successful in helping overweight children and teens lose weight than ...
Jan 22, 2010

New childhood obesity study tells us convenient store snacks can be adding to many calories to your child's diet.

New childhood obesity study from University of Montreal indicates that how close a child lives to a convenience store promotes childhood obesity.Well, it makes sense.  Convenience store carry food items that are processed and usually high in fat and/or...
Jan 13, 2010

Pediatric nurse develops 12 part series to help parents with overweight children.

If your child is overweight and you are worried about how to best help them lose weight in a healthy way, I recommend seeing your pediatrician and having a meeting set with the pediatric dietitian.But there are also a great deal of good, credible resou...
Jan 11, 2010

List of healthy goals for kids- ideas by age group

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has released a guide of age appropriate healthy resolutions for kids.This is great because sometimes it is hard to know what is a good goal for a younger child.  We want goals to be healthy and achievable.  And ...
Jan 08, 2010

Throw out the diet resolution and teach kids to make healthy choices and be active.

This is that time of year where everyone is making New year resolutions and for many, losing weight will be their resolution.When we tend to focus on a "losing weight" goal, it usually means some extreme restrictive diet that makes us feel like we are ...
Jan 06, 2010

Oatmeal month reminds us of the healthy benefits of eating oatmeal

It's Oatmeal Month!  So I guess I should start by saying "Happy Oatmeal"!Did you know that more oatmeal will be eaten this month than any other month of the year.  In fact, according to the Quaker Oats company, Americans buy enough oatmeal in January t...
Dec 30, 2009

Salad bars may be coming to a school near you! More fruits and vegetables for kids.

The Children's Fruit and Vegetable Act of 2009 was introduced to Capitol Hill on December 16th.  This bill essentially would require all elementary schools to offer a salad bar as part of their lunch program.Research has shown that having a variety of ...
Dec 28, 2009

Food industry still marketing fatty- sugary foods to kids despite their promise to stop!

Are we surprised by the latest report indicating that the food and beverage industry has failed to live up their commitment to change their marketing practices to children? I have to say, I am not.The US Council of Better Business Bureaus initiated a ...
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